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WIDI Recognition System - translations

WIDI Recognition System for Windows supports interface localization since WIDI 4.0. Here you can download localization files for several languages. It is possible to use localization file for another version, but there could be some untranslated messages or small inconsistencies.

Translation Version Thanks to
English English.txt 4.0 WIDISOFT Original translation
Russian Russian.txt 4.0 WIDISOFT Original translation
Czech Czech.txt 4.0 Mojmir Seget
Spanish Spanish.txt 4.1 Francisco Ramon Roman
Czech Spanish.txt 4.0 Francisco Ramon Roman

After downloading the language file, select Languages... from Options menu, press Add button, select the file and restart WIDI.

Translate WIDI into your own language!

In WIDI 4.0 and later there is a special tool for translating user interface to any language named Language Manager.
It allows you to load additional language files, as well as create new or update current localizations.

To translate WIDI to another language, everything you need is a text editor!

We will be grateful for your help with translating WIDI. We provide free licenses to translators - please, first contact our support service for details. Please inform us if you find any inaccuracies or mistakes in existing localizations as well. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Refer to WIDI documentation for detailed description of translation procedure.

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WIDI Recognition System: English, Russian, Spanish and Czech versions.