WIDI Recognition System (version 4.6)

Software for Automated Music Transcription (Audio to MIDI)

  1. What's new
  2. WIDI for Windows
    1. Minimum System Requirements
    2. Installation
  3. WIDI for Mac OS X
    1. Minimum System Requirements
    2. Installation
  4. License
  5. Registration
  6. Additional Info

Copyright WIDISOFT, 1998-2023

1. What's new

Version 4.6 (Windows & Mac):

Version 4.5 (Windows):

Version 4.41 (Windows & Mac):

Version 4.4 (Windows & Mac):

Version 4.3 (Windows & Mac):

Version 4.1 (Windows):

Version 4.1 (Mac):

Version 4.03:

Version 4.02:

Version 4.0:

2. WIDI for Windows

2.1. Minimum System Requirements

Processor Any suitable
Physical memory 2Gb
Drive space 50Mb + space for temporary files (recommended 200Mb+)
Operating system Windows 7 sp1/8/8.1/10/11
Sound System Required for any recording or playback

2.2. Installation

If you have a previous version installed, we recommend you to uninstall it first.

Start widiin.exe (WIDI Standard) or widipin.exe (WIDI Professional) to install.

To uninstall follow the standard Windows procedure (press Win-R, type Add or Remove Programs, select WIDI Recognition System version x.x, then click Uninstall)

3. WIDI for Mac OS X

3.1. Minimum System Requirements

Processor Intel 64bit or Apple Silicon
Physical memory 4Gb
Drive space 60Mb + space for temporary files (recommended 200Mb+)
Operating system macOS 10.12 and higher
Sound System Required for any recording or playback

3.2. Installation

Mount widistandard.dmg or widiprofessional.dmg image and move WIDI icon to the Application folder.

Follow installer instructions.

To uninstall remove WIDI.app from your Application directory.

4. License

WIDI license text is located in the file "license.txt" in the application directory.

Please write to newkey@widisoft.com if you experience any problems with your key.

If you purchased earlier WIDI version, please visit https://www.widisoft.com/english/upgrade.html for upgrade options.

5. Registration

Registration allows for:

Please visit https://widisoft.com/english/order.html for order options.

If you purchased earlier WIDI version, please visit https://www.widisoft.com/english/upgrade.html for upgrade options.

After registration, you receive a key, which you must enter in
Help->Enter Code menu item of the Program for start-up message to disappear.

You are not allowed to give your key to anyone else.

6. Additional Info

Information on updates and other WIDISOFT software can be found at: www.widisoft.com

General Info: info@widisoft.com

Customer support: https://widisoft.com/english/support.html , support@widisoft.com

© WIDISOFT 1998-2023