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Launching WIDI AU in Audio Hijack Pro

Audio Hijack Pro is a software for hijacking and processing audio streams from any application or system device, produced by Rogue Amoeba Software (www.rogueamoeba.com).

Note: Audio Hijack Pro does not support MIDI editing, but it is possible to route MIDI to any MIDI device or write it to a file using built-in MIDI recorder.

Step-by-step instructions:  

1. Start Hijack Pro, new session window appears. On the left side there is a list of applications that you can pull audio from. Choose your favourite audio player, for example QuickTime:
2. In the Select list choose audio file you want to transcribe.
3. Choose Effects tab and add WIDI AU from context menu "AudioUnit Effects"->"WIDI"->"Audio To MIDI AU":
4. In the WIDI AU window choose the option page, turn on midi to midi out option and select IAC Driver Bus as output.
5. Start playback in QuickTime Player. Transcription process will start automatically.

You may also need to tune Recognition Parameters to achieve the best results.
You can also record MIDI events to a MIDI file with a built-in MIDI recorder. See routing MIDI for details.

Note: In this instruction it is supposed that Apple IAC Driver is activated on your system. If it is not true, refer to routing MIDI on how to activate it.

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