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Free MP3 to MIDI online converter by Widisoft

Convert mp3 to midi online:


WIDI Recognition System application is designed for automated music transcription (recognition). It turns a musical recording into its musical notation in MIDI form.

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Audio to MIDI realtime plugins are available for VST and Audio Unit hosts.

06.05.2024Mp3 to midi is cheaper.

To make WIDI more affordable, we radically dropped the prices. more...

02.05.2024Online mp3 to midi file

Free online mp3 to MIDI converter is launched!

11.02.2024WIDI 4.61 fix for macOS

Possible launch issues were fixed.

23.11.2023WIDI 4.6 is released!

macOS 14 support, better slowed down audio as well as many smaller improvements.

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MP3 to MIDI Conversion

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WAVE, MP3 and MIDI files in brief

Wave, mp3 and midi are the most popular file formats for storing music. That is why the question "How to convert Audio to MIDI?" is very popular. Here we explain in brief the difference between Wave, MP3 and MIDI files.

The most simple is Wave. It is a record of sound pressure on microphone on time. Any sound can be recorded as wave file, but wave does not allow to edit components of sound and occupies a lot of space. MP3 is a compressed wave. It takes several times less space, but does not allow to separate and edit components as well.

In opposite, MIDI file can store only musical sounds. MIDI is a command system, containing information about a note, about the instrument and its change, the length of pressing and so on. This kind of record can easily be edited and takes less storage space than wave. More information about MIDI can be found on What is MIDI page.

The task of converting MP3 to Wave and WAVE to MP3 is easy, there are many software products capable of doing this. MIDI to MP3 conversion is more difficult, it is called MIDI rendering.

The most difficult is the task of musical WAVE or MP3 to MIDI conversion, also known as music transcription. It is somewhat similar to speech or handwritten text recognition, and involves complex AI algorithms. MP3 to MIDI description page contains more information on this topic.

Our WIDI Recognition System is intended to perform Audio or MP3 or Wave to MIDI conversion, you can find more information on the products page.